Breathe for Birth
Fully Embodied Childbirth Preparation
Is the seamless integration of my signature Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth with inspiring and on-point childbirth education. Breathe for Birth is all about consciously connecting with your child; learning practical ways to move and breathe - to lean into the intensity of childbirth; to help you birth with dignity and grace in any setting.
Dive into a rich and intentional practice that speaks the subtle language of your Automatic Nervous System, to “get you out of your head and into your body”. We do this with intimate breathing techniques integrated with rhythmic movement and exquisitely languid pacing. These elements are woven together to progressively draw you into the dreamy altered state of consciousness essential to birth your child from your body into your arms. This is the place to go to have a purely embodied experience of what it means to truly engage with the process of childbirth.
Active {conscious & engaged} Birth
This is not just body, mind and spirit preparing for birth, it's the loving connection with your nervous system that makes Breathe for Birth unique and so very efficacious! When you compassionately connect to your nervous system with exquisite guided movement and breath practices scrumptious birthing hormones come flowing - through you and to your babe...
It's a special kind of magic.
To suit your time, energy and learning styles, Breathe for Birth is available as:
One -day workshops in Melbourne
Private sessions - online or from my private studio, Daylesford Victoria.
Breathe For Birth
fully embodied childbirth preparation
Beautiful Nina.. ..
No words can express the gratitude I have for your wisdom and teachings. I used so many of them during my 7/8 hour labour. We ended up at Lismore birth suit as I was diagnosed with preeclampsia right at the end. Although being induced, it was all natural vaginal birth and our little girl Zahlia Soma came earth side 23rd December.
I have been sharing your course with mama groups as it was really the best course I did!!!
Many blessing and much love from us
xxx Sarit
Breathe for Birth
explore lovely ways to move and breathe for healthy pregnancy, birth and early postpartum to -
Befriend your nervous system - understand when and how to either down-regulate your stress response from alert vigilance; or up-regulate from passive acquiescence into a place of calm, centred and assertive awareness.
Connect with your babe - consciously bring your awareness inward to connect emotionally and energetically with your child. Engage with practices that will benefit you and your baby's mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing for years to come.
Experience the majesty of your birthing hormones - release dreamy, luxuriant birthing hormones to facilitate progress in labour and bonding with your newborn.
Nourish working muscle and connective tissue - release deep-held tension as you cultivate a profound sense of softness and pliability in your pelvic bowl. Lovingly create space to encourage your baby to position favourably throughout pregnancy and embrace release practices to facilitate birth.
Enhance pelvic floor integrity - explore and fully embody the exquisite paradigm shift that will fill you with clarity and confidence - softening your pelvic floor is the key to sustaining resilience and integrity.
Embrace your boundless capacity to let go - when you taste and feel the rich sensations moving through you in this practice, you can’t help but be inspired by your body’s innate birthing intelligence and your boundless capacity to lean into the intensity of labour and simply let go for birth.
Have you been searching for fully embodied
childbirth preparation?
Do you feel concerned about the potential impact birth may have on your pelvic floor?
Are you concerned about your capacity work with the intensity of labour and childbirth?
I'm here for you, I’ve shared these practices with hundreds of birthing women!
All you need to do is say yes to you and your heart-felt desire for a positive birth experience.
Breathe for Birth
Fully Embodied Childbirth Preparation
Start when your ready, immerse at your own pace with videos and all content available on demand. Each session we will explore the lush and lovely entwining of movement and breath, enriched with deep-guided relaxation and reassuring imagery to help you lean into the intensity of labour. These practices are themed and layered and given deeper context with each session to build confidence in yourself, your child and your birth process.
Fundamentals Of Yoga For Pregnancy & Birth
Exploring the key rhythmic movement and breathing sequences to have you birthing with dignity and grace in any setting:
Breathe - to consciously connect with your child.
Move - to nourish and regulate your nervous system; feel, taste and sense what it means to have a purely embodied experience of childbirth preparation.
Acupressure - to ground your energy and build internal trust and safety.
The Yin & Yang of Life-Long Pelvic Floor Integrity
Embracing essential practices to support pelvic floor health and resilience through pregnancy, birth and early postpartum:
Breathe - to explore the intimate and intrinsic connection between your jaw and your pelvic floor. Breathe away the hold of tired and out-dated myths about pelvic floor health.
Move - for a new and nourishing way to prepare your pelvic floor and protect your perineum for birth.
Acupressure - to support digestion and elimination for two.
The Balanced, Aligned & Stable Pelvis
Engaging in daily movements to gently augment your personal and energetic boundaries; build mental, emotional, physical resilience and fundamental pelvic girdle stability:
Breathe - to relieve pelvic congestion and pelvic girdle pain.
Move - to support pelvic balance, alignment and fundamental stability through pregnancy, birth and postnatal recovery.
Acupressure - to soothe digestion and build stamina.
Encouraging Your Baby To Position Favourably For Birth
Playing with gravity to feel more comfortable in your own skin and create more space for your baby to position favourably for birth:
Breathe - into your connective tissue to facilitate myofacial release of deep-held tension and resistance.
Move - to explore the geometry of your pelvis, baby and birth process. Unravel the influence modern lifestyle choices have on your baby’s capacity to position favourably for birth.
Acupressure - to deeply nourish your nervous system
Leaning Into The Intensity Of Childbirth
Experiencing intentional breathing and rhythmic movement to release luxe birthing hormones; encourage progress in labour and embrace the intensity of labour:
Breathe - to experience moments of transcendence that will shift your perspective on what it means to work with the intensity of childbirth.
Move - to reframe your understanding of intensity in childbirth. Move deeper to open the mid pelvis and soften your pelvic floor to facilitate your baby’s turning space in labour.
Acupressure - to build courage and trust.
Deep & Abiding Consolidation
Bringing Breathe for Birth practices together into a seamless whole that you can adapt in honour of your unique needs in pregnancy and birth:
Breathe - intimate breathing techniques integrated with rhythmic movement and exquisitely languid pacing are woven together to progressively draw you into the dreamy altered state of consciousness essential to birth your child from your body into your arms.
Move - to open the pelvic outlet and softening deeply into your perineum to support your baby’s entry into the world.
Acupressure - to calm mind, body and soul.
Breathe for Birth
is a welcoming, inclusive space for ALL women
Perfect anytime from the start of your second trimester, these sessions are superb for first-time mothers and an excellent refresher for women who have birthed. Safe and nourishing for women through out pregnancy; all levels of fitness; for both new comers and experienced yoga students. The experience of contemporary and inspiring active birth practices is accessible to all women of all backgrounds.
Breathe for Birth will be of particular assistance if you:
Would like to do all you can to have a positive birth experience;
Are having difficulty accessing childbirth education classes;
Feel mainstream birth preparation services do not support your unique needs and desires for birth;
Have been advised your baby is settling in an unfavourable position for birth;
Are planning a Vaginal Birth After Caesarian VBAC;
Are carrying birth trauma;
Are experiencing pelvic girdle pain {AKA pelvic instability};
Are concerned about your pelvic floor function before, during or after pregnancy;
Have special needs that are not being addressed by local service providers.
Experience in yoga is not required - to participate in Breathe for Birth, all you need to benefit from these sessions is a desire to harness your own natural birthing potential.
Special Needs - I have forty years of personal practice and twenty years of professional teaching practice - sharing Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth with hundreds of women in this time. If you have special needs please contact me, let's explore how I can support you to prepare for the birth you have always hoped for, in the meantime, you might like to read this article too
This is not Prenatal Yoga - this course is designed from birth-up. I created this course from my perspective as a doula, childbirth educator, life-long yogini! Read more here xxn