Enjoy six themed modules of fully embodied childbirth preparation in the comfort of your own home - each session we will explore the conscious entwining of movement, breath, deep-guided relaxation to help you lean into the intensity of labour and embrace the wonder of birth.
Fully Embodied Childbirth Preparation
These practices are themed and layered and given deeper context with each session, to build confidence in yourself, your child and your birth process:
Module 1: Fundamentals of Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth
Module 2: The Yin & Yang of Life-Long Pelvic Floor Integrity
Module 3: The Balanced, Aligned & Stable Pelvis
Module 4: Encouraging Your Baby to Position Favourably for Birth
Module 5: Leaning into the Intensity of Chilbirth
Module 6: Deep & Adiding Consolidation
Immersion in these sessions will help you:
- Encourage your baby to position favourably for birth;
- Sustain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength and resilience;
- Consciously connect with your child;
- Melt tension and resistance from your whole body;
- Open your birth canal as you experience the difference between functional and “dysfunctional” pushing;
- Support pelvic floor integrity through pregnancy, birth and postnatal recovery;
- Release favourable birthing hormones to support progress in labour;
- Enter into the glorious altered state of consciousness that can lead to joyful and transcendent moments in birthing;
- Create a way of moving and breathing that will support you through early postnatal recovery;
- Summon the will and resources to birth your child with dignity and grace.
Breathe for Birth Online Immersion
When you sign up for Breathe for Birth, I will invite you to join our Private Facebook Group, where you will find every session recorded and available for you to enjoy at your own pace through out your pregnacy.
Dive in, move and breathe - anytime and anywhere.