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Active Birth Clinic

One-One Childbirth Preparation

Sessions are perfect for all pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy. These sessions are superb for first-time mothers and an excellent refresher for women who have birthed; whether you are a novice or seasoned practitioner, you will experience a fresh and wholistic perspective on active birth.


Active Birth Clinic Sessions will be of particular assistance if you:

  • Feel mainstream birth preparation services do not support your unique needs and desires in birth;

  • Have been advised your baby is settling in an unfavourable position for birth;

  • Are planning a Vaginal Birth After Caesarian VBAC;

  • Feel your baby’s position may have influenced your previous birth experience;

  • Are experiencing pelvic girdle pain {AKA pelvic instability};

  • Are concerned about your pelvic floor function before, during or after pregnancy;

  • Would like to understand how to confidently adapt and apply active birth techniques, to consciously take them from the yoga mat into the birthing room;

  • Are hoping to create a more positive birth experience.



mamashanti active birth clinic

Active Birth Clinic

childbirth preparation made personal

together we will create your own Active Birth Plan

Active Birth Clinic


Active Birth Plans are crafted to suit your unique needs and lifestyle. Your plan will:

  • Help you to create your own home practice to support you throughout pregnancy, based in the principles and practices of my unique Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth;

  • Create a clear understanding in the way Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth breathing and movement techniques, become the active birth practices that will support you through labour and birth;

  • Give you delightful ways to move, breathe and feel more at home in your changing body;

  • Detail simple and effective active birth practices that will serve you in all possible birthing scenarios;

  • Help you appreciate your body’s innate birthing potential;

  • Consciously create new ways to weave birth preparation into your daily life;

  • Help you feel prepared and confident in all of your birth choices. 


These sessions can been attended once off, at regular intervals through your pregnancy or as a series of weekly birth preparation sessions in the lead up to birth. Attend these sessions alone, or with your birth companion so you can work with active birth practices together.

Mamashanti's Active Birth Clinic
Treatment Menu

Compassionate Conversation ~ 

This is where we always start. Nina Isabella is a professional, registered counsellor who specialises in women’s health. In recognition of the intimate body, mind, and spirit connections; all sessions include open-hearted explorations of your lifestyle, physical, mental and energetic health.  We will compassionatley explore your birth choices and any concerns you may have about pregnancy, birth and motherhood. These sessions can help you understand and integrate the advice given by your medical caregivers. After our initial chat, we will focus on the areas that are of most concern to you. For more information about Nina's counselling practice -


Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth ~ 

Nina has spent two decades cultivating a unique practice that is intimately informed by birth. Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth is a rich and loving practice that will have you embracing the wonder of your rapidly changing body and consciously connecting with your growing child. 


Recovery from Traumatic Birth ~ 

It takes phenomenal leap of faith to bring a child into the world after experiencing a traumatic birth. Spend time with Nina to compassionately explore the circumstances that influenced your previous birth and create your own suite of strategies to move forward with grace and courage.  


Optimal Fetal Position ~ 

Dip into mamashanti’s bag of tricks to unravel tension and resistance from your body; encourage your baby to settle into a favourable position for birth and become familiar with these techniques, so you can confidently take them with you into birth. 


Techniques include – Traditional Chinese Medicine acupressure; deep psoas release; Spinning Babies suite of practices; and mamashanti’s highly evolved Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth.


Professional Referrals & Resources ~ 

Because sometimes we could use a little extra help. Nina has a network of experienced, compassionate practitioners who can help you find more comfort and confidence in your body and yourself.


Birth Planning ~ 

Opportunity to reflect on your hopes and concerns for birth and early motherhood; exploration of your birthing preferences to help you articulate a model of care that best suits your needs. So you can make conscious choices in every step of your birthing journey, there’s such power in the process of exploring the full dimensions of birth. Feel confidence in articulating your preferences for birth; how to work effectively with your chosen birth setting and care providers. Clarify the tone and qualities you hope to experience in birth and take time to understand the potential influence of many routinely offered procedures.


Diet and Lifestyle ~ 

We’ll look at simple ways you can fine tune your diet and lifestyle to help you feel the best you can through pregnancy and prepare for a healthful time in early motherhood.

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Mamashanti's Active Birth Clinic

These sessions can be held online or in person, at my home studio a 10 minute from Daylesford Victoria with COVID19 appropriate measures in place. To support your learning style and availability they can be held as a single 4.5 hour session, or paced over 2-3 sessions.

Private birth preparation sessions are perfect for anyone who prefers one-to-one learning. 

Breathe for Birth Private Session, we will co-create your own home practice to support you throughout pregnancy to;

  • Create a clear understanding in the way Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth breathing and movement techniques, become the active birth practices that will support you through labour, birth and early mothering;

  • Help you feel prepared & confident in all of your birth choices.



Initial Consult 1.5 Hour:

Standard: $205/ Concession: $175-$190*

Follow Up/ Each Additional Hour:

Standard: $155/ Concession: $120-$145*



Let's explore all of the circumstances that are unique to you, your body, your baby, your birth setting. Together, we can map a birth plan that considers all possible scenarios for labour, birth, immediately after birth and early parenting. When you know your options and clarify your preferences, you will have greater confidence in decision making and articulating your choices to your care providers.


Duration: - 2hr

Standard: $275/ Concession: $225-$245*




Can be scheduled as one/ two or three blocks. Paid in advance includes six months access to my pre-recorded Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth classes.



Standard: $480/ Concession: $450-$465*


All sessions come with your own personalised plan to suit your unique needs and your lifestyle. Your plan will detail all of the practices we’ve used so you can integrate them into your daily life and make them your own.


* Sliding scale is available for those experiencing financial difficulty and health cards holders.


"I am very happy to announce the safe arrival of my baby boy.

My induction was booked but my boy decided to come a day early. Very happy to share I had a spontaneous labour and a drug free quick birth (though very intense). I went from mild cramping when I woke up at 7 30 AM to contractions 5 mins apart at 9 30 AM. I dilated so quickly and the contractions were on top of each other that we had to call an ambulance! I thought I was going to birth at home and the paramedics thought I was going to birth mid way to the hospital. But no, we made it to the hospital safely and my boy arrived at 12 33 PM. 

And I gave birth in the Goddess position. Because labour was so intense, I couldn't get into any other position including squatting. I cannot thank you enough for teaching me the Goddess position! It was just what I needed for this labour.

I don't know what brought on my labour as I tried many things in desperation but can definitely say - walking, crawling on all floors and the prenatal yoga helped immensely - all the things you taught me

Another positive birthing experience! Huge thanks to you!!"

- Shwetha -


Moving and breathing with hundreds of women since 2005 for enhanced fertility; peaceful pregnancy; positive birth; nourished postpartum; inspired parenting; healthful and vital menopause and through it all - lifelong pelvic floor integrity.

workshops, online courses and private sessions.

Kyneton :: Melbourne :: Everywhere Online 

I​ am  blessed to live on ​D​ja Dja Wurrung Country. ​I acknowledge that D​ja Dja Wurrung people remain the custodians of their Country, and that they continue to practice their values, languages, cultures, beliefs and knowledge. I pay my respects to the Elders and knowledge holders of the Country on which ​I live, work, love and travel.

I honour the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex pioneers and respects the full diversity of our communities. I recognise the prejudice and trauma many LGBTQIA+ people experience and celebrate strength and perseverance in allyship.

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